Thursday, January 8, 2015

Carnival of Evolution #78 - the Short-Arse edition

Finally, the 78rd edition is up. Not too much has happened in the evolution blogosphere to my knowledge, so this edition is really short but good. Like short stories; can't be bothered by a whole novel. We have some of the regulars again, and then some new ones. Notably David Hume (pseudonym), who is a professor somewhere keeping his/her real identify a secret. It is thus our task to read Hume's posts carefully and figure out who this may be. Enjoy!

David Hume @ The Art of World-Making
Proteins in a boiling kettle? No worries - molecular
Reuse, recycle, repurpose …. how evolution makes do - molecular

Charles Goodnight @ Evolution in Structured Populations
Genes, society, sexism and racism - theory
Genetic distance and FST - equations

Emily Thompson @ Panda's Thumb
Phylogenomic Fallacies - semantics

Sarah W. Fitzpatrick @ Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics
Retracing the legacy of guppy introductions past: local differentiation maintained despite high and rapid gene flow - genomics

Jeremy Yoder @ Nothing in Biology Makes Sense
Under selection, an endangered species runs low on evolutionary “fuel” - genomics

Dan Graur @ Judge Starling
If @ENCODE_NIH is right, each of us should have 7e45 children - theory

Artem Kaznathcheev @ Theory, Evolution, and Games Group
Memes, compound strategies, and factoring the replicator equation - theory

Tania Lombrozo @ NPR
Does It Matter Who Accepts Evolution? - creationism
John Hawks @ John Hawks Weblog

The art of Homo erectus - Hahaha, he said erectus

And that's it! Now go on and share posts you have found about evolution on Facebook or via Twitter ✌ ☮