Sunday, December 20, 2009
CoE #19 call for submissions
As usual you can submit using the form at Blog Carnival, which will send your submission directly into Christie's inbox.
Your posts can be specifically related to current science concerning evolution, opinions, or dealing with whatever current anti-evolution attacks you find in the media or world. Really, anything related to evolution, whether direct or tangential, is fair game. Your inclusion in to the carnival is up to the current host.
We also need new volunteers to host the carnival starting February. As this is an immensely popular job, I'd like to give the chance to those who have submitted to the carnival before, but hasn't hosted themselves. Any takers? Please email me at with the subject 'CoE hosting' if you're interested.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Carnival of Evolution #18 - Biochemical Soul

First off - big news here at the Carnival. As you can see, my edition is late again. I can't seem to find the time to keep up online anymore (thanks alot starfish gene cloning). Thus it is with both disappointment and excitement that I am turning over administration of this carnival to Bjørn Østman of Pleiotropy. Bjørn has been a constant contributor to the CoE, and in his own last edition, he really rallied the troops and put out a great edition. He has shown such a constant passion for the subject that I have every confidence that the Carnival of Evolution will be much better in his hands than my own.
Now: Go read the latest crop of evolutionary writings in the Carnival of Evolution #18!
CoE#19 will be hosted by the always superb and funny writer (and my friend) Christie Lynn at Observations of a Nerd.
For now, you can still submit your posts using our carnival submission form. This form may change – but you can always find out submissions information at
Monday, November 9, 2009
Carnival of Evolution #17 - Adaptive Complexity
Be sure to submit your own writings next month to the Carnival of Evolution #18, which will be hosted by me at Biochemical Soul.
Use this form to submit your posts for next month's edition.
*image credit: AAAS via Observations of a Nerd.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Carnival of Evolution #16 - Pleiotropy
In fact, you should be reading it now, instead of these words...
Bjørn showed a lot of dedication for this month's edition, spreading the word, calling out for carnival submissions, sending emails, and generally showing an immense enthusiasm for making this Carnival great.
I sincerely hope future hosts will show the same love of the subject as Bjørn has.
Be sure to submit your own writings next month to the Carnival of Evolution #17, which will be hosted by Adaptive Complexity.
Use this form to submit your posts for next month's edition.
*image credit: Filler AG. Homeotic evolution in the Mammalia: Diversification of therian axial seriation and the morphogenetic basis of human origins. PLoS ONE 10(e1019) (2007). Open Access
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Carnival of Evolution #15 - Southern Fried Science
Read it. Love it.
(and support sharks :)
Be sure to submit your own writings next month to the Carnival of Evolution #16, which will be hosted by Pleiotropy.
Use this form to submit your posts for next month's edition.
Carnival of Evolution #14 - Quintessence of Dust

Steve Matheson at Quintessence of Dust has put together yet another excellent edition of the CoE. If you have not seen it yet, go check it out.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Carnival of Evolution #13 - FYI:Science!
Quite a selection of excellent articles is up for your perusal - so go over and get some summer evolutionary reading under your belt!
Be sure to submit your own writings next month to the Carnival of Evolution #14, which will be hosted by Quintessence of Dust.
Use this form to submit your posts for next month's edition.
*image source:Parallel FoxP1 and FoxP2 Expression in Songbird and Human Brain Predicts Functional Interaction via AK's Rambling Thoughts.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Carnival of Evolution #12 - Deep-Sea News
Be sure to submit your own writings next month to the Carnival of Evolution #13, which will be hosted by FYI: Science!
Use this form to submit your posts for next month's edition.
*image source: Amazon via Living the Scientific Life.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Carnival of Evolution #11 - Oh, For the Love of Science!
Be sure to submit your own writings next month to the Carnival of Evolution #12, which will be hosted by the so-famous-he's-infamous Kevin Zelnio at Deep-Sea News.
Use this form to submit your posts for next month's edition.
*image source: Alex Wild / Live Science via The Primate Diaries.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Carnival of Evolution #10 - The Oyster's Garter
I couldn't imagine how Miriam Goldstein of The Oyster's Garter could top her previous hosting of the Carnival of the Blue #21 in which she waxed lyrical and poetic.
However, as I have come to expect from Miriam, she completely knocked the socks off of my expectations with her shiny new edition of the Carnival of Evolution (#10), composing the entire edition as a series of hilarious diary entries.
"Dear Diary,
Friendly creationists were a bust. First Gravity and Levity refuted creation “science” comprehensively and with citations. Then Adaptive Complexity introduced them to the basic evidence for evolutionary by reviewing the book Why Evolution Is True. When the no-longer-friendly creationists feebly countered with examples of evolutionary frauds, Tangled Up in Blue Guy beat them lightly about the head and neck with the real facts about Haeckel and Piltdown Man and peppered moths and Archaeopteryx.
The sauciest one muttered about half a wing being useless, but Migration demonstrated that half a wing is useful indeed. The final straw was when the Evolving Mind noted that evolution does not inevitably lead to intelligence. They ran away, leaving me alone once more in the internet wilderness."
Be sure to check it out, for it will certainly go down as one of the more creative editions - owing in no small part to the excellent evolutionary writings linked from within. Among those included is my own recent post on the Evolution of Channichthyidae Icefish Blood and Antifreeze.
I guess this just goes to show that Miriam didn't get syndicated by Slate's XX Factor for nothing (just announced by Miriam herself in the Podcast of the Blue #1)!
Next month, Carnival of Evolution #11 will be hosted by Allie of Oh, for the Love of Science!
Use this form to submit your posts for next month's edition.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Carnival of Evolution #9 - Moneduloides
It's clear that moneduloides put alot of work into this edition, which contains a great amount of commentary on each submission.
So waste no more time here - go check it out now!
Next month, Carnival of Evolution #10 will be hosted by none other than Miriam Goldstein of The Oyster's Garter.
Use this form to submit your posts for next month's edition.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Carnival of Evolution is now on Twitter

For those of you who care to receive updates on current and future Carnival editions, you can now follow it @CarnyEvolution.
Also, be sure to follow @carnivalblue, the Carnival of the Blue, devoted to the marine world.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Carnival of Evolution #8 (Parts One and Two) - Biochemicalsoul
The latest edition, Carnival of Evolution #8, is finally in!! Due to a issue, this edition includes two separate parts: Part One and Part Two.
As the host this go round (over at Biochemicalsoul), I cannot attest to its quality, though I hope you'll find it as enjoyable to read as it was to write.
Oh, what the heck...yes I can..this edition rocks!
Please note that due to the lateness of this edition, the next will be hosted on March 1st at Moneduloides. Use this form to submit your posts.
"Wait a minute!" I hear you say, "that's a month from now!"
Yes, well, after discussion with other bloggers at the amazing ScienceOnline09 conference, I've decided to make this a monthly rather than biweekly carnival. This is intended to increase the number of entries per edition as well as increase the quality.
We need more hosts so pop me an email if your interested in hosting your own edition.
I am committed to making this Carnival succeed!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Carnival of Evolution #8 - Biochemicalsoul (Update)
It is for this reason that I must delay today's edition of the Carnival of Evolution. My grandfather "Papaw" finally and thankfully ended a long fight with lung cancer thirty minutes before midnight on New Year's Eve. He had just received word that day that the cancer had spread pretty much all over and the prospects for '09 were not looking particularly pleasant.
So, in perfect characteristic fashion, Papaw proceeded to thumb his nose at the potential of an agonizing death by having a heart attack in his sleep.
He will be missed by many.
The next edition, which was due to be published today, will be published as soon as I return from the funeral next week. Much apologies to all contributors. Rest assured - you will all be included.